Exoskeleton X-Soft not only reduces the strain on an operator’s back while lifting objects but also supports correct execution of works. The design includes extra strong flexible base, distributed elastomer system and corset part aimed to provide disciplining effect on posture and enhance operational safety.
Unique patented elastomer system X-Soft developed specially for enhancement of operating efficiency while bending, reaching or lifting objects. Mode of operation is based on elastomers and springs properties to accumulate and release energy. Spinal compression during the use of X-Soft exoskeleton is excluded.
The design includes fixing elements of the chest plate and distributed soft part of the back allowing to reduce the chest plate movement from 5cm to 1cm. The exoskeleton is securely fixed on the body providing comfort while performing active movements during the working shift.
Support slings length is 46cm. This helps to control the position of the exoskeleton chest part regardless of the height and weight of the operator. Beyond that ring fixing elements of the knee pads are additionally covered with fire resistant fabric for safe operation in areas with molten metal splash hazards.
Mechanical effects on the kneecaps
Protecting the kneecap from mechanical effects using soft elements of foot mounts
Incorrect posture when performing work
Disciplining influence on posture and spine protection thanks to the ergonomic rigid corset
Increased fatigue of the muscular system of the back and thighs
Reducing the load on the back and hips muscles using patented elastomer system
Compression on the spine when holding cargo
Reduction of compression on the spine during lifting and retention of cargo
* According to the conclusions of Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health and Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University